Residential Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training – Level 1
This course is suitable for anyone who wants to become a Kundalini Yoga teacher or for those of you who want to deepen your understanding and experience in the transformational practice of Kundalini Yoga and healthy positive “yogic” lifestyle.
Note: This is not a KRI affiliated KY Teacher Training.
Claims about sexual violence, criminal activity and abuse by Yogi Bhajan and the inner circle of 3HO surfaced at the beginning of 2020. At this point in time Angad Singh was a Director of the 3HO Organisation. Witnessing the internal processes and dealings of the organisations we no longer support 3HO and the affiliated organisations under the guidance of the SSSC board including 3HO International, 3HO Europe, KRI & Sikh Dharma International.
This course allows you to:
Course Structure
The course is structured over a series of 3 One-week Residential Modules in the Heart of the UK (venue to be confirmed).
Week 1: Autumn 2018 – Dates TBC
Foundations of Kundalini Yoga
Introduction and course guidelines.
Origins and foundations of yoga. Stages of its development.
Definition of yoga and yogi. Types of yoga. Purpose of yoga.
Basic class structure.
Role and Identity of a teacher.
Sound & Mantra
The quantum technology of sound, mantra & gong.
4 Yugas. Aquarian Age. The changes and the challenges of the times.
Mantras — their meaning, effects and how to chant them.
Sensory human. Body as a communication system including introduction to nervous system, meridians glands.
Sadhana: your personal spiritual practice.
Western & Yogic Anatomy
Western anatomy including body systems, organs and glands.
Yogic anatomy including tattwas, nadis, bandhas and chakras.
5 senses, 5 passions, 5 vayus. Nadis and Bandhas. Chakras.
The Path of Kundalini.
Kriyas and asanas (angles, triangles, rhythm). The effects/benefits/cautions.
5 niyamas in relation to asana.
Muscular-skeletal system.
Knowing and sharing the technology of the times.
Week 2: Early 2019 – Dates TBC
Body, breath, brain, consciousness. Respiratory system.
Mind & Meditation
Meditation, types, stages, states, concentration, time in minutes and days.
Gong, mala, Tratakam, points of focus,
Mantra, Celestial Communications, Mudras, Prayer, Banis, Sat Nam Rasayan healing.
Tantra: black, red, white.
Brief outline of Patanjali.
Yogic Living
The possible Human Being.
The soul coming into birth.
Being fe/male. Growing up, lifecycles.
Yogic lifestyle – the 3 gunas and 3 doshas.
A day in the life of a yogi: waking, ishnaan, sadhana, yogic diet, prayer, bed.
Relationships: the highest yoga — from perspective of spiritual psychology.
Meditations for men and women, Tantra.
Addiction and how yoga helps.
Week 3: Late Spring 2019 – Dates TBC
Roles and responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities in and out of class setting.
The art of being a student.
5 steps to wisdom, the 4 pitfalls.
The art of being a teacher.
Cautions and pitfalls, Power/money/sex.
Class structure, preparing to teach. Setting and maintaining tone and environment.
Class & curricula preparation, relation to students, administration, PR.
Yogic Philosophy, Patanjali, Death
Yogic philosophy. Common ideas in different schools, glossary of key words.
Ladder of subtlety and cycle of manifestation.
Patanjali, yamas and niyamas, Pratyahaar to Samadhi.
Death and dying.
Ten Spiritual Bodies, Relaxation
Relation of KY and Sikhism, Hinduism & Buddhism.
Ten Spiritual Bodies.
Teaching in different spaces, different levels, and different groups.
Relaxation — its importance, different techniques.
Concentration, master/mystery.
Community and continuity. Resources for the teacher.
Answer & questions.
Exam Preparation. Questions & Answers
Throughout the training there will be student practicum (teaching opportunities) with feedback from other students and from experienced course mentors and there will be time for group discussions of the teachings.
Course Tutors

Angad Singh is a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer, Shiatsu practitioner, Karam Kriya Numerology Trainer & Spiritual Coach. After many years on the spiritual path he found the truth he had been seeking through Kundalini Yoga. He now lives to serve others on their journey.
He has recently returned the UK after 4 years serving as Director of Château Anand, the European Kundalini Yoga Ashram in France.
Entrance and completion criteria
The course is open to all students of Kundalini Yoga, if a student has little or no experience then an interview and recommendation letter from one of the course tutors or a teacher will be required.
Students must satisfy certain criteria for certification on completion of the course, including:
Course Venue
All 3 residential weeks will take place at a beautiful retreat centre in the West Midlands.
We are currently waiting for final confirmation of venue and dates.
Pricing & Registration
Early-Bird: £TBC (if registered before 1 May 20228)
Full-Price: £TBC (if registered after 1 May 2022)
Fees include: Training Fees, Certification, Food, Shared Accommodation (en-suite rooms of 2-4).
Please note fees do not include: Travel to and from venue.
Information pack and registration form coming soon…
Questions or Ready to sign-up?
If you would like more information or are ready to sign up drop us a message.